Thursday, March 23, 2017

Self-created Suspision - 杯弓蛇影

杯弓蛇影 (bēi gōng shé yǐng)

杯: cup, in cup
弓: bow
蛇: snake
影: shadow

Literal translation: Mistake the shadow of a bow in one's cup as a snake.

It came from a story: Long long ago, Ying Chen treat Du Xuan to dinner, and there was a red bow on the wall, after several cups of wine, they became a little drunk, and suddenly Du Xuan saw a snake in his cup which actually was the shadow of the red bow, he became so afraid, but since Ying Chen was so zealous, and Du Xuan didn't wanna be an impolite, so he drank the wine with that "snake" anyway. When Du Xuan got home, he felt very bad and sick, several days later, Yin Chen came to visit him to see if he was fine, Du Xuan finally told him the truth. Yin Chen felt so sorry, but when he got home, he saw the bow on the wall and figured out that it was a mistake, so he told Du Xuan, after knowing this, Du Xuan laughed and recovered from the sickness immediately. From then on, "Mistake the shadow of a bow in one's cup as a snake" is used to describe that people who are always jittery with imaginary fear.

Corresponding English idom: Self-created suspision.

Example sentence: That's just a stone, don't be so suspicious, you are just frightening yourself!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

A Good Sword Never Get Dull - 宝刀不老

宝刀不老 (bǎo dāo bù lǎo)

宝: precious, unique

刀: sword, big knife

不: not, never

老: grow old, here means rust

Literal translation: A good sword remains always sharp; The treasured sword is not yet blunt.

Generally it's used to describe that some old people are old but still vigorous in mind and body.

Corresponding English idiom: A good sword never get dull.

Example sentence: He is already 40 years old, but "a good sword remains always sharp", he still plays basketball as well as young people.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Give Up Halfway; Fall By The Way

半途而废 (bàn tú ér fèi)

半: Half
途: Way
而: However, while
废: Give up

Literal translation: Give up when you finish half of your work.

It means that one is not pacient enough to finish one's work, and always leaves work unfinished.

Corresponding English idiom: Give up halfway; fall by the way.

Example sentence: You should keep on learning Chinese, never give up halfway.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Tweedledum and Tweedledee; As Broad As It Is Long; Birds Of A Feather - 半斤八两

半斤八两 (bàn jīn bā liǎng)

斤: Jin, a unit of weight (=1/2 kilogram)
两: Liang, a unit of weight (=1/10 jin)
半: Half, half of
八: Eight

Actually, in ancient China, 1 jin was equal to 16 liang, so half jin was eight liang.

Literal translation: Half jin and eight liang.

It means two or more things or people equally suck; not much to choose between the two.

Corresponding English idom: Tweedledum and tweedledee; as broad as it is long; birds of a feather.

Example sentence: You wanna teach him English? You two are actually two birds of a feather.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Teach One's Granny How to Suck Eggs - 班门弄斧

班门弄斧 (bān mén nòng fǔ)

班: Lu Ban(507 BC - 444 BC), the best carpenter in Chinese history, he made so many amazing carpenter's tools that Chinese carpenters are still using now.
门: home door, outside thd door
弄: play, show off, parade
斧: axe, skill of using axe

Literal translation: Display one's slight axe skill outside Lu Ban's home door.

It means display one's slight skill before an expert.

Correspording English idiom: Teach one's granny how to suck eggs; teach fish to swim.

Example sentence: He used to stay in USA for ten years, you wanna teach him English? It's like to teach fish to swim.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Old Institutions Die Hard - 百足之虫, 死而不僵

百足之虫, 死而不僵 (bǎi zú zhī chóng, sǐ ér bù jiāng)

百: hundred, many
足: foot, leg
之: of, with
虫: worm, insect, bug
死: dead, die
而: however, but
不: not
僵: fall down, stop wriggling, stiff, topple over

Literal translation: A centipede with hundreds of legs does not topple over even when dead.

It means rich or noble family (or people), they still have enormous amount of influence or much money left even when they go broke.

Corresponding English idiom: Old institutions die hard.

Example sentence: China already entered a new era long time ago, but there are still many old opinions staying in people's mind, old institutions die hard.
(中国早已经进入新纪元, 但一些陈旧的思想如百足之虫, 死而不僵.)

Friday, March 17, 2017

Jump Through Hoops - 百依百顺

百依百顺 (bǎi yī bǎi shùn)

百: hundred, hundred times, here means "always "
依: and
顺: obey, be obedient, agree

Literal translation: Obey in every way, agree with sb. about everthing, all obedience.

Corresponding English idiom: Jump through hoops.

Eample sentence: His wife is a very meek woman, like a clay in the hands of the potter. (他的妻子是一个很柔和的女人, 对他百依百顺.)

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Good For Nothing - 百无一是

百无一是(bǎi wú yī shì)

百: hundred, hundred times, many times
无: no, not
一: one, once
是: right, be right

Literal translation: Somebody does something many times in many ways, but none of them is correct.

It means somebody is good for nothing, absolutely nothing is correct.

Corresponding English idiom: Good for nothing.

Example sentence: Everybody has his own merits and demerits. One should never think that he is perfect while others are all good for nothing. (每个人都有自己的优点和缺点, 不要把别人都看成百无一是, 把自己看成十全十美.)

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Seeing Is Trusting - 百闻不如一见

百闻不如一见 (bǎi wén bù rú yí jiàn)

  • 百: hundred times, many times
  • 闻: hear
  • 不如: not as good as, no better than
  • 一: once
  • 见: see something or somebody in person, meet

Literal translation: Seeing it once is better than being told 100 times.

Corresponding English idiom: Seeing is trusting.

Example sentence: I came to Great Wall finally, it's so gorgeous, seeing it once is really much better than being told one hundred times! (我终于来到了长城,真宏伟,百闻不如一见啊!)

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Beyoud Dispute - 百口莫辩

百口莫辩 (bǎi kǒu mò biàn)

百: one hundred, means many here
口: mouth
莫: not, can't, be unable to
辩: debate, argue, dispute

Literal translation: Even you have hundred of mouths, you can't suceed in the arguement (with somebody).

Corresponding English idiom: Beyoud dispute.

Example sentence: If stars are misconceived by the public and failing to voice their own opinions, they will also suffer huge pressure. (当名星被莫名其妙地被大众冤枉而百口莫辩时,他们也会难以承受各方的压力).

Monday, March 13, 2017

A Whirlpool of Emotion - 百感交集

百感交集 (bǎi gǎn jiāo jí)

百: one hundred, many
感: feelings, thoughts
交集: get together, get mixed

Literal translation: all kinds of feelings well up in one's heart.

It means that one has mixed feelings, fill one's mind with a myriad of thoughts.

Corresponding English idiom: A whirlpool of emotion.

Example sentence: That I have been able to attend a grand meeting such as this one, fills my mind with a myriad of thoughts and ideas. (我能参加这样的盛会,真是令我百感交集, 思绪万千.)

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Called Shot - 百步穿杨

百步穿杨(bǎi bù chuān yáng)

百: hundred
步: foot, step
穿: strike, hit
杨: poplar, poplar leaf

Literal traslation: Shoot a piece of poplar leaf from one hundred steps away.

It is used to decribe a person who can shoot with great precision.

Corresponding English idiom: Called shot.

Example sentence: Michael plays the sniper who in the play shoots with great precision. (在剧中迈克尔饰演一位百步穿杨的狙击手.)

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Life Together; Marriage Blessing - 白头偕老

白头偕老 (bái tóu xié lǎo)

白: white
头: head, hair
偕: together
老: grow old

Literal translation: Grow old together till the hair turns white.

It means "live together to a ripe old age". Generally, you say it to the couple at their wedding.

Corresponding English idiom: Life together; Marriage blessing.

Example sentence: I wish you two live to old age in conjugal bliss. (我祝你们白头偕老)

Friday, March 10, 2017

Start From Scratch - 白手起家

白手起家 (bái shǒu qǐ jiā)

白: empty, with nothing
手: hand, in hand
起: build up
家: home, here means "wealth, fortune"

Literal translation: Build up one's home from nothing.

It means "build up from nothing".

Corresponding English idiom: Start from scratch.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Time Flies - 白驹过隙

白驹过隙 (bái jū guò xì)

白: white
驹: pony
过: cross, pass through
隙: chink in a wall

Literal translation: A white pony flashes past a chink in a wall.

It means "time passes quickly like a white pony's shadow across a crevice".

Corresponding English idiom: Time flies.

Example sentence: Time flies, I became 30 years old in the twinkling of an eye. (时间如白驹过隙, 转眼我已经三十岁了.)

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Haste Makes Waste - 拔苗助长


拔: pull up,pull out
苗: seedling
助: help ,to help
长: grow

The literal translationg of this idiom: pull up the seedlings to help them grow.

This idiom means "spoil things by trying too hard".

Corresponding English idom: Haste makes waste.

Example Sentence: When kids are young, mothers force them to learn so many lessons, it's like "pulling up the seedlings to help them grow". (在孩子很小的时候,母就会让他们学如此多的东西,这有点“拔苗助长”的意思.)

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Use Your Own Resources And Desmonstrate Your Skills And Worth - 八仙过海, 各显神通

八(ba)仙(xian)过(guo)海(hai), 各(ge)显(xian)神(shen)通(tong)

八仙: eight immortals in a Chinese legend
过: cross ,pass through
海: the sea
各: respectively
显: show ,display
神通: telent,magical power

The literal English translation of this idom: Eight immortals crossing the sea, with each showing their special powers.

The corresponding English idiom probably: Use your own resources and desmonstrate your skills/strengths and worth.

Example Sentence: The competition that goes on in industry should build up your own resources and demonstrate your skills, strengths and worth. (同行业之间的竞争应建立在"八仙过海, 各显神通"的层面上.)

Monday, March 6, 2017

All Things To All Men - 八面玲珑


八: "eight"
面: "direction"
玲珑: "clever, flexible, sophisticated"

The literal translation of this idiom is "be smooth and slick in establishing social relations capable of dealing with all men"

Correponding English idiom: "all things to all men."

Example sentence: "Annie is all things to all men." (安妮是个八面玲珑的人.)

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Sworn Brothers - 八拜之交


八: "eight,eight times."
拜: "kowtow,kow-tow to somebody"
"八拜" means a ceremony you should follow when you go to see the elders who are the friends of your parents or grandparents ,it's an old special way for Chinese to show respect for elders.It also means eight kinds of spirits of friendship.
之: "of"
交: "Friendship, friendly relation"

This idom means "friends who have known each other for a long time".

Correponding English idiom: "Sworn brothers."

Example sentence: Nick and I are good friends, we might even say that we are "sworn brothers". (我和尼克是好朋友, 甚至可以说是八拜之交.)

Friday, March 3, 2017

Cast Sheep's Eye - 暗送秋波


"暗": "secretly, furtively"
"送": "send,g ive sth. to"
"秋": "autumn, fall"
"波": "wave"
"秋波" is used to describe "bright eyes of a beautiful woman"

The literal translation of this idiom:"make eyes at someone" or "convey one's love (good feeling) by stealing a look(secretly)."

Corresponding English idiom:"cast sheep's eye."

Example sentence: That lady is married, you'd better not make eyes at her any more. (那个女孩已经结婚了, 你最好不要再对她暗送秋波了.)

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Hidden Arrows Are Difficult to Guard - 暗箭难防


"暗": "secretly,furtively"
"箭": "arrow,discharge an arrow from a bow"
"难": "with difficult,hard"
"防": "deal with ,pervent"

The literal translation of this idiom is "Hidden arrows are difficult to guard."

Corresponding English idiom:" to Back stab." or "do/say something Behind someones back"

Example sentence: Mr Putin also relies on such better-the-devil-you-know thinking. (普京也是依靠这种"明枪易躲, 暗箭难防"式的思考方式.)

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Find Something by Following Up on a Clue - 按图索骥


"按": "according to, on the basis of"
"图": "sketch, picture"
"索": "look for, seek"
"骥": "a thoroughbred horse"

Literal translation: "look for a noble steed to correspond with the one drawn".

Corresponding English idiom: "Find something by following up on a clue".

Example sentence: According to the security video of the criminal scene, police arrested the murderer. (根据罪犯在现场留下的监控视频, 警察按图索骥抓获了凶手.)

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Walk Over Leisurely Instead of Riding in a Carriage - 安步当车


"安": "slowly, leisurely"
"步": "walk, on foot"
"当": "as like, instead of"
"车": "by car, riding"

The literal translation of this idiom is "walk over leisurely instead of riding in a carriage".

Corresponding English idiom:"walk rather than ride".

Example sentence: The school is not far from here ,let's walk it! (这里离学校并不远, 让我们安步当车, 走过去吧.)

Monday, February 27, 2017

The Underdog always wins - 哀兵必胜


"哀" means "hopeless, depressed"
"兵" means"arms,soldiers,military"
"必" means"must"
"胜" means"win,triumph"

So it means"an army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win".

Corresponding English idiom: "The Underdog always wins"

Example sentece: Nick unexpectedly beat Kaka from China in the table tennis match, perhaps the "underdog always wins" which is often said. (尼克竟然在乒乓球比赛中赢了身为中国人的卡卡,这或许就是常说的哀兵必胜吧.)

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Love me, love my dog - 爱屋及乌


"爱" means "love,like"
"屋" means" house, apartment"
"及" means"involve,refer to"
"乌" here is the abbreviation for "乌鸦", and "乌鸦" means "crow".

So the literal translation of this idiom is "the love for the house extends even to the crows perching on its roof".

Corresponding English idiom: "Love me,love my dog".

Example sentence: Nick's mother-in-law is quite different from his wife, but "love me, love my dog", Nick does honour and respect his mother-in-law a lot.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Skin a Flea For Its Hide - 爱财如命


"爱" means "love, like, care about"
"财" means "money, wealth, fortune"
"如" means "as, like"
"命" means "one's life"

"爱财如命" means "somebody who cares about money so much and thinks both money and life are equally important", this idiom is used to describe those greedy people.

Corresponding English idiom: "skin a flea for its hide".

Example sentence: Smith only cares about money, he would skin a flea for its hide!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Fondle Admiringly - 爱不释手


"爱" means "love, like (something)"
"不" means"no, not, don't (do anything)"
"释手" means"let it go, put (something) down"

so, "爱不释手" means "like(love) sth. so much that one cannot bear to part with it".
Corresponding English idiom: "fondle admiringly".

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Still Water Runs Deep - 大智若愚


"大智" means "a man who is so wise and clever"
"若" means "seems like"
"愚" means "fool ,stupid"

This idiom means a man of great wisdom often appears slow-witted; A master looks like a fool, we can say this idiom as "still water runs deep" in English.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Needle In a Heystack - 大海捞针


"大海" means "the sea"
"捞" means "look for , search for"
"针" means "needle"

It means it's so difficult to find something or somebody, like dredge for a needle in the sea, accurately termed "needle in a heystack" in English .